اس ڈائری یا نوٹ بک کو، جس میں شاعر اپنا کلام یا منتخب اشعار درج کرتا ہے، اصطلاح میں کیا کہا جاتا ہے ؟ Mcqs

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اس ڈائری یا نوٹ بک کو، جس میں شاعر اپنا کلام یا منتخب اشعار درج کرتا ہے، اصطلاح میں کیا کہا جاتا ہے ؟

(i) کلیات
(ii) دیوان

(iii) بیاض
(iv) کوئی جواب درست نہیں

Latest MCQs

Antonym of ” Chaste ” is ...?

(i) Shrewd
(ii) Talkative

(iii) Aspirant
(iv) Promiscuous

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The world largest Muslim country by area is...?

(i) Malaysia
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Pakistan
(iv) Kazakhstan

Latest MCQs

What is the fifth belief in Iman-e-Mufassal...?

(i) The day of judgment
(ii) The divine books

(iii) The day of Resurrection
(iv) None of them

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Which is old name of Islam...?

(i) Deen-e-Mina
(ii) Deen-e-Hanif

(iii) Deen-e-Makkah
(iv) Deen-e-Madina

Latest MCQs

Which is used in security systems and criminal investigations?...?

(i) Fingerprint reader
(ii) Robots

(iii) Sound Card
(iv) Barcode Reader

Latest MCQs

Simla Deputation (October 1906) comprised _____ Muslim leaders...?

(i) 18
(ii) 35

(iii) 40
(iv) 50

Latest MCQs

The idiom 'The Alpha and Omega' means:...?

(i) A beautiful object
(ii) Beginning and End

(iii) A good man
(iv) Something divine

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which is the smallest state of India by Population...?

(i) Sikkim
(ii) Himachal Pradesh

(iii) Tellanga
(iv) Bihar

Latest MCQs

Who said , 'Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven'...?

(i) Milton
(ii) William Shakespeare

(iii) Tennyson
(iv) William Wordsworth

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