افسانہ کے معنی ہیں؟...? Mcqs

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افسانہ کے معنی ہیں؟...?

(i) داستان
(ii) کسی کی برائی کرنا

(iii) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
(iv) عورتوں کی باتیں

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Moorish Kingdom of Granada (Spain) surrendered to Christians in the year...?

(i) 1453
(ii) 1492

(iii) 1522
(iv) 1541

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Who was the second President of Indian National Congress?...?

(i) Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee
(ii) Dadabhai Naroji

(iii) Baddrudin Tayyabji
(iv) None of these

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The largest earth filled dam of the world is...?

(i) Tarbela
(ii) Warsak

(iii) Mangla
(iv) None of these

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Which command is used to add data in excel...?

(i) add
(ii) count

(iii) sum
(iv) None of these

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Indonesia is situated in ...?

(i) South-East Asia
(ii) South Asia

(iii) North-East Asia
(iv) West Asia

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When Makran acceded to Pakistan:...?

(i) 15 August 1947
(ii) 17 March 1948

(iii) 22 December 1955
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is Currency of China...?

(i) Yuan
(ii) Yen

(iii) Dinar
(iv) Rupee

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Which of the following died of natural death...?

(i) Indra Gandi
(ii) Mahatma Gandi

(iii) Rajiv Gandi
(iv) None of these

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Choose the correct one...?

(i) She invited I and my sister
(ii) She invites I and my sister

(iii) She invited me and my sister
(iv) None of these

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