امجد اسلام امجد کی مشہور نظم آٹو گراف کس شخصیت کے لیے لکھی گئی؟...? Mcqs

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امجد اسلام امجد کی مشہور نظم آٹو گراف کس شخصیت کے لیے لکھی گئی؟...?

(i) عمران خان
(ii) فضل محمود

(iii) عبدالستار ایدھی
(iv) جاوید میانداد

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Choose the correct sentence: The house catch a fire...?

(i) The house caught fire
(ii) The house Catch fire

(iii) The house Catch the fire
(iv) None of these

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A person who has an intention to offer Umra and Hajj at Meeqat is called_______...?

(i) Qaran
(ii) Mufrid

(iii) Mutamtae
(iv) None of them

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Who narrated most Ahadith...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Huraira RA
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

(iii) Hazrat Ali RA
(iv) None of these

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A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval is available on___________...?

(i) Save tab on Options dialog box
(ii) Save As dialog box

(iii) Both of above
(iv) None of above

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The Industrial revolution first took place in:...?

(i) England
(ii) America

(iii) France
(iv) Germany

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What was the duration of Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) Khilafat...?

(i) 4 years
(ii) 3 years

(iii) 2 years
(iv) None of these

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The oldest Barrage on the Indus River is _______...?

(i) Guddu Barrage
(ii) Sukkur Barrage

(iii) Taunsa Barrage
(iv) None of these

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Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light are known as:...?

(i) Stars
(ii) Planets

(iii) Sun
(iv) None of these

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The prevention of nuclear weapons is dealt by which treaty:...?

(i) empty
(ii) empty

(iii) empty
(iv) None of these

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