ترجمہ کا انتخاب کیجیےOut of the frying pan into the fire...? Mcqs

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ترجمہ کا انتخاب کیجیےOut of the frying pan into the fire...?

(i) جل بن مچھلی
(ii) پوری چھوڑ آدھی سے بھی جائے

(iii) آسمان سے گرا کھجور میں انکا
(iv) آئے تھے نماز بخشوانے روزے گلے پڑ گئے

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Microsoft Office Inter Connect is:...?

(i) An application that supports editingscanned documents
(ii) Business-relationship database

(iii) A scanning and OCR application
(iv) None of these

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Longest motorway of Pakistan...?

(i) M2
(ii) M4

(iii) M5
(iv) M8

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Shimla deputation consisted of how many members:...?

(i) 34
(ii) 35

(iii) 36
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “variegate” is _________...?

(i) set type
(ii) multi-color

(iii) differ
(iv) reject

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"It rained for three days and the streets in my neighbourhood were flooded".The given sentence is an example of the sentence:...?

(i) Imperative Sentence
(ii) Simple Sentence

(iii) Compound Sentence
(iv) complex Sentence

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Which food item takes its name from the French for twice cooked...?

(i) burger
(ii) pizza

(iii) biscuit
(iv) none of these

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UNO has declared the decade 2004 to 2014 as the decade of...?

(i) Protection of Environment
(ii) Eradication of Poverty

(iii) Eradication terrorism
(iv) Education decade

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How much Takbeers are recited by Moazin in Azan...?

(i) 4
(ii) 6

(iii) 8
(iv) 9

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Who is called as “Muslim Alexander”...?

(i) Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A)
(ii) Uqba bin Nafah (R.A)

(iii) Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)
(iv) Amr bin Al-Aas (R.A)

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