دریائے سندھ پر زیر تعمیر سب سے بڑے ڈیم کا نام۔۔۔؟ Mcqs

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دریائے سندھ پر زیر تعمیر سب سے بڑے ڈیم کا نام۔۔۔؟

(i) کالا بند
(ii) منگلہ

(iii) دیامیر بھاشا
(iv) واسو ڈیم

Latest MCQs

if A is equal to 5+1/5-1 is equal to 5-1/5+1, then A+B is...?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 4
(iv) none of these

Latest MCQs

Which nation leads the world in renewable energy capacity...?

(i) China
(ii) USA

(iii) Germany
(iv) India

Latest MCQs

Treaty of Waitangi Was singed by _________ and the British Crown...?

(i) European
(ii) Mangols

(iii) Maori Chiefs
(iv) None of These

Latest MCQs

Which person is remembered as the teacher of Madinah:...?

(i) Ibn Abbas
(ii) Hazrat Uthman RA

(iii) Mus'ab ibn Umayr RA
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Which country is the largest economy in Africa as of 2024...?

(i) South Africa
(ii) Nigeria

(iii) Egypt
(iv) Kenya

Latest MCQs

QNA is the news agency of __________...?

(i) Qatar
(ii) Kuwait

(iii) Jordon
(iv) Bahrain

Latest MCQs

When Quetta was devastated by severe earthquake...?

(i) 29 May, 1935
(ii) 28 May, 1935

(iii) 31 May, 1935
(iv) 30 May, 1935

Latest MCQs

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) first openly preached Islam on ___________; and addressed after the conquest of Makkah on the same place....?

(i) Jabl-e-Marwa
(ii) Jabl-e-Safa

(iii) Jabl-e-Noor
(iv) Jabl-e-Rehmat

Latest MCQs

Another name of K2 is:...?

(i) Godwin Austen
(ii) Broad Peak

(iii) Koyo Zom
(iv) None of these

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