دو جملوں کو ملانے والے الفاظ مثلاً ”و “ اور “ وغیرہ کیا کہتے ہیں ؟...? Mcqs

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دو جملوں کو ملانے والے الفاظ مثلاً ”و “ اور “ وغیرہ کیا کہتے ہیں ؟...?

(i) حروف رابطه
(ii) حروف تام

(iii) حروف عطف
(iv) حروف جار

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In which Surah the word Al-Quran-ul-Hakeem is used....?

(i) Al e Imran
(ii) Al Yaseen

(iii) Al Nisa
(iv) Al Maeda

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Given that 543 x 21 =11403. Find the value of 1140.3/5.43. find the value of ...?

(i) 210
(ii) 150

(iii) 120
(iv) 200

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Antonym of SCURRILOUS is...?

(i) Abusive
(ii) Ribald

(iii) Decent
(iv) Mitigate

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According to the Islamic Principle inheritance, a male's share in deceased father's property viz-a-vtz female is:...?

(i) Three times
(ii) Two times

(iii) Sarne
(iv) None ofthem

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Synonym of reverie is __________...?

(i) Daydream
(ii) Palimpsest

(iii) Curio
(iv) None of these

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Hazrat Khadija died at _______ years age...?

(i) 63
(ii) 64

(iii) 65
(iv) 66

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When National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) was established...?

(i) 1948
(ii) 1949

(iii) 1950
(iv) 1951

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When was Simla agreement signed:...?

(i) 1971
(ii) 1972

(iii) 1973
(iv) 1974

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Who said "Democracy is government of the people by the people for the people"...?

(i) George Washington
(ii) Abraham Lincoln

(iii) Andrew Johnson
(iv) Henry Hudson

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