رہبر کا متضاد لکھیں Mcqs

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رہبر کا متضاد لکھیں

(i) رہنما
(ii) قیادت

(iii) زہزن
(iv) تقلید

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Under the Schengen Agreement people can travel across borders of participating countries in Europe without passports being checked where is Schengen located...?

(i) The Netherlands
(ii) Italy

(iii) Austria
(iv) Luxembourg

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Synonym of “impound” is _________...?

(i) break up
(ii) haggle

(iii) hammer in
(iv) confiscate

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The first foreign heads of the state visited Pakistan after independence was the president of...?

(i) India
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Iran
(iv) China

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What is the climate fund required by 2030 as per the NCFS (National Climate Finance Strategy)...?

(i) $100 billion
(ii) $200 billion

(iii) $348 billion
(iv) $300 billion

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Ghazwa-e-Badr occurred in ____________...?

(i) 2 Hijrah
(ii) 3 Hijrah

(iii) 4 Hijrah
(iv) 5 Hijrah

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Choose the correct one...?

(i) She invited I and my sister
(ii) She invites I and my sister

(iii) She invited me and my sister
(iv) None of these

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مسدس کے ہر بند میں کتنے مصرع ہوتے ہیں ؟...?

(i) 4
(ii) 2

(iii) 8
(iv) 6

Latest MCQs

World’s first YouTube video was Uploaded in April ,2005 by ____________...?

(i) Jack Ma
(ii) Ali Baba

(iii) Lady Gaga
(iv) Jawed Karim

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The color of plant other than green is due to plastids named as:...?

(i) Chloroplast
(ii) Chromoplast

(iii) Leucoplast
(iv) Both A & C

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