نذیر احمد نے کس ناول پر ان کو حکومت کی طرف سے ایک ہزار کا انعام ملا تھا؟...? Mcqs

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نذیر احمد نے کس ناول پر ان کو حکومت کی طرف سے ایک ہزار کا انعام ملا تھا؟...?

(i) فسانہ مبتلا
(ii) مراۃ العروس

(iii) توبۃ النصوح
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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تقسیم ہندکے وقت برصٖغیر میں کتنی ریاستیں تھیں...?

(i) 605
(ii) 615

(iii) 625
(iv) 635

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The Blue Lagoon is located in:...?

(i) Greenland
(ii) Florida

(iii) Iceland
(iv) None of these

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Badshahi mosque is in Lahore built by in 1673...?

(i) Jahangir
(ii) Akbar

(iii) Shah Jahan
(iv) Aurangzeb

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Which toolbar provides various options in different master views?...?

(i) Standard toolbar
(ii) Formatting toolbar

(iii) Drawing toolbar
(iv) Common tasks toolbar

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Capital of United States is___________...?

(i) Washington Dc
(ii) Alaska

(iii) Hawaii
(iv) California

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Braille education system was introduced by Braile for...?

(i) Blinds
(ii) Deaf

(iii) Dumb
(iv) All of these

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Which is the deepest lake of the world ...?

(i) Lake Baikal
(ii) Caspian Lake

(iii) Wular Lake
(iv) Lake Victoria

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The largest section of the Kurd population living in ...?

(i) Iraq
(ii) Iran

(iii) Turkey
(iv) Syria

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Choose one-word substitution of "A government that is carried on through officers"...?

(i) Dictatorship
(ii) Class-one

(iii) Officiousness
(iv) Bureaucracy

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