وصل کا متضاد ھے...? Mcqs

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وصل کا متضاد ھے...?

(i) ھجر
(ii) قربت

(iii) دونوں
(iv) None

Latest MCQs

'Alexandria' is the following is...?

(i) Greece
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Syria
(iv) Egypt

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The Fred Hollows foundation is an international development organization working for:...?

(i) Eliminating Dumbness
(ii) Eliminating avoidable blindness

(iii) Eliminating Autism issues
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Synonym of “loquacious” is _________...?

(i) situated
(ii) gregarious

(iii) taciturn
(iv) antisocial

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Which of the following position is not available for fonts on MS Word...?

(i) Centered
(ii) Normal

(iii) Raised
(iv) None of these

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CRT is the technology used in a:...?

(i) Mouse
(ii) Monitor

(iii) LED
(iv) Trojan Horse

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Which strait is called tear gate...?

(i) Kerch
(ii) Malacca

(iii) Bab el-Mandeb
(iv) Bosphorous

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in 2009 , The UN spends the largest amount, almost $ 8 billion annually on...?

(i) Health Care
(ii) Poverty alleviation

(iii) Peacekeeping missions
(iv) Literacy and Education

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A fraction becomes 4/5 when 1 is added to each of the numerator and denominator. However, if we subtract 5 from each then it becomes 1/2. The fraction is...?

(i) 5/8
(ii) 5/6

(iii) 7/9
(iv) 13/16

Latest MCQs

Digital TV emits,_________...?

(i) X rays
(ii) Gamma rays

(iii) Cathode rays
(iv) None of these

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