پہلا سفر نامہ یوسف کمبل پوش نے کس عنوان سے لکھا؟...? Mcqs

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پہلا سفر نامہ یوسف کمبل پوش نے کس عنوان سے لکھا؟...?

(i) عجائبات فرنگ
(ii) سفر نصیب

(iii) سفر در سفر
(iv) نکلے تری تلاش میں

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Which was the first British Indian legislature to pass the resolution in favor of Pakistan in 1938A Punjab...?

(i) Punjab
(ii) Sindh

(iii) NWFP
(iv) None of these

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Spreadsheet is also known as ____...?

(i) Document
(ii) Workbook

(iii) Presentation
(iv) None of these

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Who was the first Muslim President of India___________...?

(i) Badar-Ud-Din Tayyab
(ii) Mahbub-ul-haq

(iii) Zakir Hussain
(iv) Sardar Abdul Qayum Khan

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A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify as a name for future reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks...?

(i) To mark the ending of a paragraph of document
(ii) To add anchors in web page

(iii) To add hyperlinks in webpage
(iv) To quickly jump to specific location in document

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Which planet in the solar system is farthest from the sun...?

(i) Mercury
(ii) Neptune

(iii) Venus
(iv) Mars

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Fasting is between Rozadar and ______....?

(i) Prophet
(ii) Angels

(iii) Jinns
(iv) Allah

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Which surah starts without “Bismillah”...?

(i) Al-Baqarah
(ii) Al-Taubah

(iii) Al-Nisa
(iv) Al-Quresh

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Agriculture, the key sector in the Pakistan economy accounts for...?

(i) 21 % of G.D.P
(ii) 28 % of G.D.P

(iii) 25 % of G.D.P
(iv) 51 % of G.D.P

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I want a place where I can work without ______....?

(i) Delay
(ii) Boredom

(iii) Interruption
(iv) None of the above

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