1 Gigabyte is equal to:...? Mcqs

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1 Gigabyte is equal to:...?

(i) 1024 bytes
(ii) 1024 bits

(iii) 1024 megabytes
(iv) 1024 terabytes

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In Ms Word, Which of the following option is not available in Insert >> Picture...?

(i) Chart
(ii) Graph

(iii) Clip Art
(iv) Word Art

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The first commercial flight of UAE landed in Israel on...?

(i) 19 October 2020
(ii) 19 October 2021

(iii) 19 October 2022
(iv) None of these

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If you work hard, you ___ good marks...?

(i) would get
(ii) would got

(iii) will get
(iv) will got

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What is falqaram for goats...?

(i) 30 goats
(ii) 40 goats

(iii) 50 goats
(iv) 60 goats

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Synonym of “adduce” is _________...?

(i) cite
(ii) solve

(iii) persuade
(iv) compute

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Salat e Jumma became Faraz in which city...?

(i) Makkah
(ii) Madina

(iii) Abwa
(iv) Hijaz

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What was the mother name of Hazrat Abdul Mutlib...?

(i) Fatima
(ii) Habiba

(iii) Haleema
(iv) Salmah

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Taklamakan Desert is located in...?

(i) Mangolia
(ii) Russia

(iii) China
(iv) Kazkhstan

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The soan and the Haro are the two rivers of...?

(i) Baluchistan Plateau
(ii) Pothohar Plateau

(iii) Northern Areas
(iv) Azad Kashmir

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