77% land area of Russia is located in...? Mcqs

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77% land area of Russia is located in...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Europe

(iii) Both
(iv) None of these

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Duration of national anthem of Pakistan is _______ seconds...?

(i) 60
(ii) 70

(iii) 80
(iv) 90

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Who is known as the father of the local self- government in India...?

(i) Warren Hastings
(ii) Lord Rippon

(iii) Lord Dalhousie
(iv) Lord Cornwallis

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A Collection Bargaining Agent...?

(i) A registered trade union elected by secretballot
(ii) A pressure group formed by workers toget their pays enhanced

(iii) An NGO striving for workers welfare
(iv) None of these

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Which country hosted the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup...?

(i) Germany
(ii) Canada

(iii) Australia/New Zealand
(iv) France

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Change the voice: The people elected him Mayor...?

(i) Him was elected Mayor the people
(ii) He was elected Mayor by the people

(iii) Mayor is elected by the people
(iv) He is elected by the people Mayor

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In chronological order, which of the following personalities come first...?

(i) Plato
(ii) Aristotle

(iii) Socrates
(iv) Epicurus

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He ______ the bank when police caught him...?

(i) stealing
(ii) was stealing

(iii) stole
(iv) had stole

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Which company gifted “cornflakes” to the world...?

(i) Pepsi foods
(ii) Kellogg’s

(iii) McDonald’s
(iv) General foods

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Maiden Speech is called...?

(i) Support
(ii) First speech

(iii) Moral courage
(iv) None

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