A bus with 32 data line can transport how many bits at a time:...? Mcqs

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A bus with 32 data line can transport how many bits at a time:...?

(i) 8 bits
(ii) 16 bits

(iii) 32 bits
(iv) 1024 bits

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Term and tenure of Senate membership is ........ years?

(i) 3 years
(ii) 4 years

(iii) 5 years
(iv) 6 years

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Choose the Antonym of: Facsimile...?

(i) Reproduction
(ii) Sincere

(iii) Original
(iv) Engineered

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Which is biggest bird in the world...?

(i) Ostrich
(ii) Kivi

(iii) Eagle
(iv) None of these

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10th conference of ECO was held in 2008 in...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Turkey

(iii) Egypt
(iv) Pakistan

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Choose the antonym Barbarous...?

(i) Repulsive
(ii) Civilized

(iii) Compose
(iv) None of these

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The area of the Khurnak Fort is disputed by India and China, and is under the control of which country...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) China

(iii) India
(iv) Afghanistan

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Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom from the provided options. You can refuse to talk to her if you like, but you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face...?

(i) Trying to harm the other person
(ii) Making a situation worse for yourself out of anger

(iii) Taking an
(iv) Avoiding a problem by ignoring it completely

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The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe opened in Poland will connect which two islands...?

(i) Usedom and Wolin
(ii) Ostro and Konski

(iii) Port and Chelminek
(iv) Olowianka and Karsibor

Latest MCQs

In the equation of a straight line, what does the letter 'C' represents...?

(i) Gradient
(ii) x intercept

(iii) y intercept
(iv) y coordinate

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