A car travels at the speed of 36 km per hour. What is the distance traveled by the car within 20 second in meter:...? Mcqs

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A car travels at the speed of 36 km per hour. What is the distance traveled by the car within 20 second in meter:...?

(i) 100 m
(ii) 150 m

(iii) 200 m
(iv) 250 m

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Which surah starts without “Bismillah” ...?

(i) Al-Baqara
(ii) Al-Nisa

(iii) Al-Toba
(iv) Al-Ikhlas

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Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia belong to which continent...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Europe

(iii) Africa
(iv) South America

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Synonym of “cantata” is _________...?

(i) symphony
(ii) concerto

(iii) opera
(iv) choral work

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When Allama Shibli Nomani died...?

(i) 18 august 1911
(ii) 18 September 1912

(iii) 18 October 1913
(iv) 18 November 1914

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The longest mountain range...?

(i) Himalayas
(ii) Land Protection

(iii) Rocky Mountains
(iv) Andes

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When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam...?

(i) Fifth Nabvi
(ii) Sixth Nabvi

(iii) Seventh Nabvi
(iv) Fourth Nabvi

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Imam Abu Hanifa R.A Died during the reign of ________ ...?

(i) Hisham
(ii) Harun al-Rashid

(iii) Al-Mansur
(iv) Al-Saffah

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Synonym of “GAINSAY” is _____________...?

(i) Suppress
(ii) Oppose

(iii) Yielding
(iv) animation

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ان میں سے کو نسی ضرب المثل ٹھیک ہے ؟...?

(i) چیل کے گھر میں پاس کہاں
(ii) چیل کے گھونسلے میں گوشت کہاں

(iii) چیل کے گھونسلے میں ماس کہاں
(iv) چیل کے گھونسلے میں ہوئی کہاں

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