A character that is raised and smaller above the base line is known as...? Mcqs

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A character that is raised and smaller above the base line is known as...?

(i) Outline
(ii) Raised

(iii) Subscript
(iv) Superscript

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Who is the Christian-turned-Muslim writer of the biography Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources...?

(i) Karen Armstrong
(ii) Muhammad Asad

(iii) Martin Lings
(iv) Marmaduke Pickthall

Latest MCQs

10-Downing Street is the official residence of:...?

(i) Pope
(ii) Secretary General of UNO

(iii) Prime Minister of UK
(iv) President of France

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Give the meaning of the idiom "break out"...?

(i) Occur suddenly
(ii) break down

(iii) Incomplete
(iv) None of these

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Carte Blanche means:...?

(i) wheel in the motion
(ii) A blank thing

(iii) Going by the rules
(iv) Full discretionary powers

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Who abrogated the 1956’s Constitution...?

(i) Tikka Khan
(ii) Ayub Khan

(iii) Yahiya Khan
(iv) Iskandar Mirza

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LETA is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) lativa
(ii) egypt

(iii) norway
(iv) sweden

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided option.One who hates mankind...?

(i) Sadist
(ii) Masochist

(iii) Narcissist
(iv) Misanthrope

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End Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to_________...?

(i) Moves the cursor end of the line
(ii) Moves the cursor end of the document

(iii) Moves the cursor end of the paragraph
(iv) Moves the cursor end of the screen

Latest MCQs

To end in smoke________,...?

(i) To make completely understand
(ii) To overcome someone

(iii) To ruin oneself
(iv) None of these

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