A cooling agent that has lower temperature than water ice, is solid form of...? Mcqs

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A cooling agent that has lower temperature than water ice, is solid form of...?

(i) Nitrogen gas
(ii) Ammonia

(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) None of these

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Name the battle in which Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) participated for the first time...?

(i) Badr
(ii) Khyber

(iii) Mota
(iv) Khandaq

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A common name for software errors is:...?

(i) Viruses
(ii) Trojans

(iii) Bugs
(iv) Logic Bombs

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A glacier is:...?

(i) River of ice sliding down a mountain carrying along material
(ii) Slow moving sheet of ice

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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The Headquarter of UNHCR is located in _____...?

(i) Geneva
(ii) New York

(iii) Vienna
(iv) None

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The famous Adam's Peak, which is venerated by Christians, Muslim, Buddhists and Hindus is located in...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Turkey

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Sri Lanka

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Which Country is the full member of SCO...?


(iii) Afghanistan
(iv) Iran

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After the death of Zia ul Haq on 7th August 1988, who was made the President of Pakistan...?

(i) Muhammad khan Junejo
(ii) Ghulam Ishaq Khan

(iii) Farooq Ahmad Leghari
(iv) None of these

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In 1920 which treaty was signed between turkey and the allies dismembered:...?

(i) Treaty of Versailles
(ii) Treaty of Sevres

(iii) Treaty of Lausanne
(iv) None of these

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Which key is used to insert a text in a cell:...?

(i) Enter
(ii) Tab

(iii) Space
(iv) None of these

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