A “Ctrl + Enter” command will __________ ...? Mcqs

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A “Ctrl + Enter” command will __________ ...?

(i) Open a new document
(ii) Create a new page

(iii) Create a new Paragraph
(iv) Create a new line

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The view that displays the slides of a presentation as miniature representations of the slides is called _____...?

(i) Slide show
(ii) Outline view

(iii) Slide sorter view Notes page view
(iv) None of these

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Suez Canal links the: Mediterranean Sea directly to...?

(i) Red Sea
(ii) Caspain Sea

(iii) Persian Gulf
(iv) Black Sea

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Mostly Used Computers...?

(i) Analog computer
(ii) Digital computer

(iii) Laptops
(iv) None of these

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What is the Richter Scale used to measure...?

(i) Flood
(ii) Volcano

(iii) Earthquake
(iv) Tsunami

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Which from the following is true for "Sound"...?

(i) Sound cannot travel through a vacuum
(ii) Sound cannot travel through gases

(iii) Sound cannot travel through liquids
(iv) Sound cannot travel through solids

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Which of the following is not a vector quantity:...?

(i) Displacement
(ii) Velocity

(iii) Speed
(iv) Acceleration

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Senkaku Islands are disputed between which of the following nations...?

(i) Japan and China
(ii) Japna and Russia

(iii) China and Philippines
(iv) USA and Russia

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Another name for the national flower Jasmine is______...?

(i) White Rose
(ii) Gardenia

(iii) Lily
(iv) Sunflower

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Brexit referendum was held on...?

(i) june 2016
(ii) oct 2017

(iii) oct 2018
(iv) oct 2019

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