A fruit seller purchases oranges at the rate of 3 for Rs 5 and sells them at 2 for Rs 4. His profit in the transaction is:...? Mcqs

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A fruit seller purchases oranges at the rate of 3 for Rs 5 and sells them at 2 for Rs 4. His profit in the transaction is:...?

(i) 25%
(ii) 15%

(iii) 20%
(iv) 10%

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Amapola Flyg is the airline of________...?

(i) Slovenia
(ii) Thailand

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Sweden

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The 1st Chief Minister of Punjab was:...?

(i) Mian Mumtaz Daultana
(ii) Feroz Khan Noon

(iii) Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mamdot
(iv) Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani

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The major part of Quran is revealed at ____________________...?

(i) Early morning
(ii) Noon

(iii) Early evening
(iv) Night time

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مان نہ مان میں تیرا...?

(i) محن
(ii) میزبان

(iii) غم خوار
(iv) مہمان

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ضرب المثل مکمل کریں ایک پنتھ _____۔کاج...?

(i) دو
(ii) تین

(iii) دس
(iv) none

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Madani Surahs were revealed in how many years...?

(i) 8
(ii) 9

(iii) 10
(iv) 11

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A computer cannot function without:...?

(i) Microsoft Office
(ii) Operating System

(iii) Internet Connector
(iv) Antivirus Protection

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In the context of Pakistan's political and judicial history what does PCO stand for...?

(i) Pakistan's Courts Ordinance
(ii) Provisional Constitutional Order

(iii) Pakistan Constitutional Ordinance
(iv) Provisional Court Organization

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________was a prominent Punjabi folk music singer of Pakistan, credited with popularizing the musical term Jugni...?

(i) Inayut Hussain Bhatti
(ii) Tufail Niazi

(iii) Alam Lohar
(iv) None of these

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