A is 4 times as fast as B and therefore is able to finish the work in 45 days less than B A and B can complete the work in how many days?...? Mcqs

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A is 4 times as fast as B and therefore is able to finish the work in 45 days less than B A and B can complete the work in how many days?...?

(i) 12 days
(ii) 15 days

(iii) 18 days
(iv) None of these

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Who is the current prime minister of Saudi Arabia...?

(i) Farhan bin Faisal
(ii) King Abdul Aziz

(iii) Muhammad bin Salman
(iv) None of these

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The largest number of women received Nobel prize in the category of...?

(i) Peace
(ii) Medicine

(iii) Literature
(iv) Physics

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The first revealed book was_____________...?

(i) Injeel
(ii) Zaboor

(iii) Taurat
(iv) Quran

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Capital of France is ___________...?

(i) Paris
(ii) Italy

(iii) Rome
(iv) Spain

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WIPO is the abbreviation of:...?

(i) World International Peace Organization
(ii) World International Property Organizations

(iii) World Intellectual Property Organization
(iv) Web Intellectual Property Organization

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Hazrat Nooh (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran _____ times....?

(i) 41
(ii) 42

(iii) 43
(iv) 44

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"Bootlegging" is a form of:...?

(i) Drugs
(ii) Sketches

(iii) Smuggling
(iv) Indian Religion

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Capital of Azad Jamu & Kashmir...?

(i) Siri Nagar
(ii) Muzaffarabad

(iii) Toor
(iv) Siali

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In Ms word, a master document contains _______ of subdocument ...?

(i) Placeholder
(ii) Files

(iii) Links
(iv) Same data as

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