A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the sum of the ages of A, B and C is 27, how old is B...? Mcqs

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A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the sum of the ages of A, B and C is 27, how old is B...?

(i) 9
(ii) 10

(iii) 11
(iv) 12

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The oldest monarchy in the world is that of...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Nepal

(iii) UK
(iv) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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سعودی عرب کے دارالحکومت کا نام بتا ئیں۔...?

(i) جدہ
(ii) ریاض

(iii) مکہ
(iv) مدینہ

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Synonym of "Impart" is :: ?...?

(i) Communicate
(ii) Inflict

(iii) Take sides
(iv) Defy

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Which of the following represents the five rings of the symbol of the Olympic Games...?

(i) Five continents
(ii) Five cities

(iii) Five countries
(iv) None of these

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Pak won cricket world cup in...?

(i) 1993
(ii) 1994

(iii) 1995
(iv) 1992

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Who was the 1st Governor General of Pakistan?...?

(i) Liaqat Ali Khan
(ii) Muhammad Ali Bogra

(iii) Za ul Haq
(iv) M A Jinnah

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During World War II, when did Germany attack France ...?

(i) 1941
(ii) 1940

(iii) 1942
(iv) 1945

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Who firstly arranged and wrote the Quran on paper in book form...?

(i) Hazart Usman ( R.A)
(ii) Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A)

(iii) Hazart Zaid bin sabit ( R.A)
(iv) Hazart Hafsa (R.A)

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Turn up is:...?

(i) Red
(ii) Solid

(iii) Truthfull
(iv) Appear

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