A man drinks alcohol regularly is called...? Mcqs

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A man drinks alcohol regularly is called...?

(i) Drunker man
(ii) Teetotaler

(iii) Drunkard
(iv) None of these

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The brain of computer is called...?

(i) Motherboard
(ii) CPU

(iii) Microprocessor
(iv) None of these

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Which type of mirror is used in the head lights of vehicles...?

(i) Concave
(ii) Convex

(iii) Plain
(iv) None of these

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Which Article of Constitution gives Supreme Court the Suo Motu powers?...?

(i) Article 144
(ii) Article 154

(iii) Article 174
(iv) Article 184(3)

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The Colour of the Flag of the Islamic Army in Ghazwa Badr was__________...?


(iii) PINK
(iv) NONE

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Synonym of “facade” is ________...?

(i) embankment
(ii) cosmetic

(iii) building front
(iv) long arcade

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Synonym of WIELD _____________...?

(i) Abstain
(ii) Avoid

(iii) Forgo
(iv) Exert

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Adjusting the space b/w two consecutive characters is called...?

(i) Tracking
(ii) Leading

(iii) Formatting
(iv) Editing

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“Naqeeb-e-Islam” is the title of __________ ...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Umar (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Ali (RA)

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What is name of 22nd Para of Holy Quran...?

(i) Wa Qalallazina (وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ)
(ii) A’man Khalaq (أَمَّنْ خَلَقَ)

(iii) Utlu Ma Oohi (اتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَ)
(iv) Wa Manyaqnut (وَمَنْ يَقْنُتْ)

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