A man walked for 1/3 hour and then got an automobile ride for 1/2 hour. What part of time consumed he ride on automobile:...? Mcqs

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A man walked for 1/3 hour and then got an automobile ride for 1/2 hour. What part of time consumed he ride on automobile:...?

(i) 0.4
(ii) 0.5

(iii) 0.6
(iv) 0.7

Latest MCQs

What is the official residence of the UK Prime Minister...?

(i) 13 Downing Street
(ii) 12 Downing Street

(iii) 11 Downing Street
(iv) 10 Downing Street

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Creating ga new email account is called:...?

(i) Signin
(ii) Sign up

(iii) sign out
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following divine book is called ' Old Testament'...?

(i) Zuboor
(ii) Torait

(iii) Injeel
(iv) None of these

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In which city of Pakistan 2nd Islamic Summit Conference was held:...?

(i) Karachi
(ii) Islamabad

(iii) Lahore
(iv) Peshawar

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Which of the following line spacing is invalid in Ms Word...?

(i) Multiple
(ii) Double

(iii) Triple
(iv) Single

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When Cripps Mission arrived:...?

(i) 1942
(ii) 1943

(iii) 1944
(iv) None of these

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Which country has most number of universities in the world...?

(i) United States of America
(ii) China

(iii) India
(iv) Germany

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A computer cannot "boot" if it does not have the...?

(i) Compiler
(ii) Asmbler

(iii) Loader
(iv) Operating System

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In Rajab of 9th hijri, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH left Madina along with 30,000 strong force of his comparisons. The force reached at _________on the border of Syria ...?

(i) Yarmuk
(ii) Muta

(iii) Tabuk
(iv) Qadisiya

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