A network tha coves large area, City , County and beyond is called....? Mcqs

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A network tha coves large area, City , County and beyond is called....?

(i) LAN
(ii) WAN

(iii) Router
(iv) Bridge

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The freezing row and column in Excel is in which pane...?

(i) Freezing row
(ii) Freezing column

(iii) Freezing pane
(iv) None of these

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What is meant by 'MIQAT'....?

(i) A sacred valley near Makkah
(ii) Pilgrim's Garment

(iii) Entranceof Masjid i Nabvi
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

What was the name of Hazrat Khadija (RA) father...?

(i) Awwam bint khuwaylid
(ii) Zubair ibn al-awam

(iii) Asad ibne abd-ul- Uzza
(iv) Khuwaylid ibn Asad

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Dead Sea is located in:...?

(i) Israel and Turkey
(ii) Israel and Jordan

(iii) larael end Syria
(iv) Syria and Lebanon

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Which river flows through the city of Baghdad...?

(i) Nile
(ii) Euphrates

(iii) Tigris
(iv) Amu Darya

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CU is the symbol of which element of the periodic table:...?

(i) Chromium
(ii) Copper

(iii) Carbon
(iv) None of these

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Which of these is a type of sound file?...?

(i) DAT files
(ii) LOG files

(iii) DRV Files
(iv) WAV Files

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What is the term used to denote the unauthorized and illegal accessing of computer program, often with criminal intent...?

(i) Virus
(ii) Plagiarism

(iii) Hacking
(iv) Breach

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How many volumes does the book ‘Seerat-un-Nabi’ by Shibli and Suleman Nadvi consist of __________...?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 5
(iv) 7

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