A person who talks in his/her sleep is called a ______...? Mcqs

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A person who talks in his/her sleep is called a ______...?

(i) Bourgeois
(ii) Somniloquist

(iii) Ventriloquist
(iv) Insomnist

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Which country lastly joined SAARC:...?

(i) Bangladesh
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) Pakistan
(iv) None of these

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Change the narration: Harris said, “How clever I am...?

(i) Harris said he was very clever
(ii) Harris exclaimed that he was very clever

(iii) Harris asked that how clever he was
(iv) None of these

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World’s first YouTube video was Uploaded in April ,2005 by ____________...?

(i) Jack Ma
(ii) Ali Baba

(iii) Lady Gaga
(iv) Jawed Karim

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In which year Pakistan joined Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)...?

(i) 1951
(ii) 1952

(iii) 1953
(iv) 1954

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Synonym of Notwithstanding is _______________...?

(i) in spite of
(ii) conclusion

(iii) Finally
(iv) none of above

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Who was the first Pakistani doctor who lost his life due to Covid-19 infection and was posthumously awarded the Nishan-e-Kashmir on 27 March 2020...?

(i) Muhammad Usama
(ii) Usama Riaz

(iii) Usman Riaz
(iv) Muhammad Usman

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Asiana Airlines is an airline of _________...?

(i) Afghanistan
(ii) South Korea

(iii) Syria
(iv) Iraq

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Synonym of “temper” is _________...?

(i) trial
(ii) mood

(iii) synchronization
(iv) extremity

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The Bari Doab is located between...?

(i) Jhelum and Chenab
(ii) Bias and Ravi

(iii) Ravi and Chenab
(iv) Bias and Chenab

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