A process that is almost reverse of photosynthesis...? Mcqs

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A process that is almost reverse of photosynthesis...?

(i) Digestion
(ii) Respiration

(iii) Excretion
(iv) None of these

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If you want to insert some slides from other presentation into current one choose...?

(i) From Insert menu choose Slides from Files
(ii) From Insert menu choose Slides fromPresentation

(iii) From Insert menu choose Slides
(iv) None of these

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The Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Raza Akbari was hanged recently due to spying for...?

(i) MI 6
(ii) Mossad

(iii) CIA
(iv) None of these

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In MS PowerPoint ____ contain pre defined...?

(i) Graphics
(ii) Themes

(iii) Texture
(iv) Gradient

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حضرت عمر نے حضرت خالد بن ولید کو معزول کر کے کسی کو سپہ سالارمقرر کیا ؟...?

(i) حضرت ابو عبیدہ بن الجراح
(ii) حضرت علیؓ

(iii) حضرت اسامہ بن زید
(iv) حضرت سعد بن ابی وقاص

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What do you understand by Caucus...?

(i) Group of People in a procession
(ii) Group of People making noise

(iii) A closed political meeting
(iv) A group of people dancing

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Which one of the wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) gained the title of "Umm-ul Masakeen"Mother of the poor...?

(i) Hazrat Khadijah RA
(ii) Hazrat Maimoona RA

(iii) Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaiymah RA
(iv) Hazrat Aaisha RA

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided options A person who loves books...?

(i) Bibliophile
(ii) Bibliophobe

(iii) Xenophile
(iv) Cinephile

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A rectangular lawn 80 meters by 60 meters has two roads each 10 m wide running in the middle of it, one parallel to the length and the other parallel to the breadth. Find the cost of gravelling them at Rest. 30 per square meter...?

(i) 3900
(ii) 39000

(iii) 30000
(iv) None of these

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Which of following is word processing software...?

(i) MS Excel
(ii) MS Word

(iii) Browse
(iv) None of these

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