A processor is also known as:...? Mcqs

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A processor is also known as:...?

(i) CPU
(ii) UPS

(iii) UPC
(iv) PUS

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Warsak Dam is situated on which river...?

(i) Kabul
(ii) Indus

(iii) Swat
(iv) None of these

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Who was the first killer of the world...?

(i) Habeel
(ii) Qabeel

(iii) Abu Jahil
(iv) None of these

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What was the HTML editor that was part of Microsoft Office until 2003...?

(i) Web page
(ii) Front page

(iii) Explorer
(iv) None of the above

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Synonym of “avert” is _________...?

(i) surrender
(ii) oppose

(iii) prevent
(iv) affirm

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The angle between the hour and minute hand at 8:30 is__________...?

(i) 60
(ii) 45

(iii) 75
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of sacrosanct is __________...?

(i) Prayer
(ii) violent

(iii) sacred
(iv) Loud

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Vaccination program of Pakistan is:...?

(i) CPI
(ii) EPI

(iii) DPI
(iv) None of these

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The Pico Island is located in which country...?

(i) Switzerland
(ii) Portugal

(iii) Turkey
(iv) None of These

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A person bought 200 dozen orange at Rs. 10 per dozen and he spent Rs. 500 on transportation. He sold each orange at Rs. What was his profit or loss %...?

(i) 5%
(ii) 4%

(iii) 3%
(iv) None of these

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