A ratio equivalent to 3: 7 is:...? Mcqs

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A ratio equivalent to 3: 7 is:...?

(i) 3:9
(ii) 6:10

(iii) 9:21
(iv) 18:49

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Normandy is in...?

(i) Germany
(ii) France

(iii) Belgium
(iv) England

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What is an other name of famous and largest island of Pakistan...?

(i) Seven Hills Island
(ii) Jazeira Haft Talar

(iii) Astola Island
(iv) All Of These

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Pick out the correct sentence from the given options...?

(i) He reads Dawn
(ii) He is reads Dawn

(iii) He reads the Dawn
(iv) He should reads Dawn

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Which country is the largest producer of desalinated sea water...?

(i) Kuwait
(ii) Iran

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Iraq

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The hottest desert of the World is:...?

(i) Sahara Desert
(ii) Arabian Desert

(iii) Arctic Desert
(iv) Cholistan Desert

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The longest river in the world in:...?

(i) Amazon
(ii) Yangtze

(iii) Nile
(iv) Mississippi

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St. Lawrence River is located in which country...?

(i) Sri Lanka
(ii) South Africa

(iii) Canada
(iv) None of these

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Longest motorway of Pakistan...?

(i) M2
(ii) M4

(iii) M5
(iv) M8

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I am______ to my friend for a large sum...?

(i) Attributed
(ii) Charged

(iii) Loaned
(iv) Indebted

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