A solution of watar and sugar contains 10% sugar the solutions weight is 8 kg. When 2 kg of water is added to this solution the percentage of sugar becomes...? Mcqs

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A solution of watar and sugar contains 10% sugar the solutions weight is 8 kg. When 2 kg of water is added to this solution the percentage of sugar becomes...?

(i) 8%
(ii) 10%

(iii) 12%
(iv) 18%

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The "Law of Gravitation" was discovered by _____...?

(i) Isaac Newton
(ii) Thomas Aiva Edison

(iii) Hug Chavez
(iv) Guhlielmo Marconi

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Arafat gathering is held on__________...?

(i) 8 Zil hajj
(ii) 9 Zil hajj

(iii) 10 Zil hajj
(iv) 12 Zil hajj

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Which tube extends from mouth to anus...?

(i) Alimentary canal
(ii) Root canal

(iii) Bic canal
(iv) Back canal

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Which country became the 100th member of the World Trade Organization (WTO)...?

(i) Afghanistan
(ii) Kazakhstan

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Iran

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famous online shopping platform Amazon was founded on: ________...?

(i) April 5, 1993
(ii) May 5, 1993

(iii) July 5, 1994
(iv) None of These

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18 July has officially been declared by the UN as:...?

(i) World Aids Day
(ii) Nelson Mandela International Day

(iii) International Day of Peace
(iv) International Anti-Corruption Day

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The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is _____...?

(i) 8 minutes
(ii) 25 minutes

(iii) 45 minutes
(iv) None of these

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If Mundane : Spiritual, then:...?

(i) Common Ghostly
(ii) Worldly: Unworldly

(iii) Routine: Novel
(iv) None of these

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Which organization awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2023...?

(i) WHO
(ii) UNHCR

(iii) the Norwegian Nobel Committee
(iv) ILO

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