A specialist who measures your eyesight ___...? Mcqs

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A specialist who measures your eyesight ___...?

(i) Optician at
(ii) Ophthalmologist

(iii) Optometrist
(iv) None of these

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What does ISO stand for...?

(i) International Societies Organization
(ii) International Standards Organization

(iii) International Systems Organization
(iv) International Scientists Organization

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The process of emoving water in the form of vapour from theleaves is called:...?

(i) Nutrition
(ii) Respiration

(iii) Perspiratin
(iv) Transpiration

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منیر نیازی کی پیدائش کہاں ہوئی؟...?

(i) ساہیوال
(ii) ہوشیار پور

(iii) میانوالی
(iv) جالندھر

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Who was the founder of the Microsoft Corporation...?

(i) Steve Jobs
(ii) Paul G Allen

(iii) Bill Gates
(iv) Both B and C

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Antonym of “conversant” is ...?

(i) Inexperienced
(ii) Unprepared

(iii) Shy
(iv) Unpretentious

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The Holy Book 'Taurat' Was revealed to...?

(i) Prophet ' Daud' (PBUH)
(ii) Prophet ' Musa' (PBUH)

(iii) Prophet ' Isa' (PBUH)
(iv) Prophet ' Ismail' (PBUH)

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Exoskeleton of a marine snail is composed of...?

(i) Calcium Sulphate
(ii) Calcium Carbonate

(iii) Sulphur Dioxide
(iv) None of these

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Polo game originated from __________ ...?

(i) Gilgit Baltistan
(ii) Iran

(iii) USA
(iv) Subcontinent

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At the end of a conference the 10 people All of these Present all shake hands with each other once, how many hand shakes will there be altogether...?

(i) 20
(ii) 25

(iii) 35
(iv) 45

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