A stich in time saves__________...? Mcqs

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A stich in time saves__________...?

(i) Seven
(ii) Nine

(iii) Ten
(iv) None of these

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What is the shortcut key to display field codes...?

(i) Alt + F9
(ii) Ctrl + F9

(iii) Shift + F9
(iv) Space + F9

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In which year was OIC founded...?

(i) 1970
(ii) 1975

(iii) 1980
(iv) 1969

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Guess the closest possible meanings of the given idiom from the options given below:Led astray...?

(i) Misguided
(ii) tose the job

(iii) Killed
(iv) None of these

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UN Charter is consisted of how many chapters...?

(i) 16
(ii) 18

(iii) 17
(iv) 19

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Fort William college established in...?

(i) Delhi
(ii) Hyderabad

(iii) Calcutta
(iv) None of these

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Which continent comprises the land around the South Pole ...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Africa

(iii) Antarctica
(iv) Europe

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She is waiting ______ her result...?

(i) for
(ii) of

(iii) By
(iv) None of these

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کون سا جملہ درست ہے ؟...?

(i) برائے مہربانی کل ضرور آئیں
(ii) برائے مہربانی کر کے کل ضرور آئیں

(iii) براہ مہربانی کل ضرور آئیں
(iv) براہ مہربانی کر کے کل ضرور آئیں

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Synonym of “compunction” is _________...?

(i) compassion
(ii) forthrightness

(iii) remorse
(iv) responsibility

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