A TV is purchased at Rs. 5000 and sold at Rs. 4000, find the lost percent:...? Mcqs

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A TV is purchased at Rs. 5000 and sold at Rs. 4000, find the lost percent:...?

(i) 100
(ii) 20

(iii) 25
(iv) 28

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__________ month is known as Sayeed us Shahoor....?

(i) Rajab
(ii) Sha’ban

(iii) Ramazan
(iv) Zil-Haj

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How many times has the Qur’an emphasized on alms or charity...?

(i) 140 times
(ii) 150 times

(iii) 160 times
(iv) 170 times

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Which of the following is considered the Deepest lake of the world...?

(i) Caspian sea
(ii) Lake mead

(iii) Lake Baikal
(iv) None of these

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Which method is used to prove the correctness of sanad of hadith...?

(i) Riwayat
(ii) Isma-ur-Rajjal

(iii) Dirayat
(iv) Musnad

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Burzil Pass is located in...?

(i) Himalaya
(ii) Karakuram

(iii) Hindukush
(iv) None

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That charming girl was the .... of all eyes...?

(i) Target
(ii) Ambition

(iii) Cynosure
(iv) None of these

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How many prayers have no Azan (آذان)...?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) None

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Which one of the following fractions is greater than 3/4 and less than 5/6...?

(i) 9/10
(ii) 2/3

(iii) 1/2
(iv) 4/5

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Select the pair which has relationship. PROMISE: FULFILL...?

(i) Confession: Hedge
(ii) Law: Enforce

(iii) Pledge: Deny
(iv) None of these

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