A worker is paid Rs. 2130 for 6 days. If his total wages during a month adds up to Rs 9230, find the number of days he worked in the month....? Mcqs

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A worker is paid Rs. 2130 for 6 days. If his total wages during a month adds up to Rs 9230, find the number of days he worked in the month....?

(i) 26
(ii) 28

(iii) 19
(iv) 30

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In Microsoft Word, How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time...?

(i) By pressing Ctrl + ]
(ii) By pressing Ctrl + [

(iii) By pressing Ctrl + }
(iv) By pressing Ctrl + {

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(i) Fungi
(ii) Vaccine

(iii) Virus
(iv) Bacteria

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(i) Ladakh Highway
(ii) Srinagar Highway

(iii) Poonch Highway
(iv) None of these

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(i) Africa
(ii) Saudi Arabia

(iii) India
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(i) Text Line
(ii) New Line

(iii) Text Wrapping
(iv) Text Align

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Find out the word followed by appropriate preposition and fill in the blank space. The eagle swooped and ________ a sleeping lizard...?

(i) Carried up
(ii) Carried down

(iii) Carried off
(iv) Carried in

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(i) Isaac Newton
(ii) Thomas Aiva Edison

(iii) Hug Chavez
(iv) Guhlielmo Marconi

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(i) lazy
(ii) cruel

(iii) regrettable
(iv) dirty

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(i) Pepsi foods
(ii) Kellogg’s

(iii) McDonald’s
(iv) General foods

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