Adjusting the space b/w two consecutive characters is called...? Mcqs

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Adjusting the space b/w two consecutive characters is called...?

(i) Tracking
(ii) Leading

(iii) Formatting
(iv) Editing

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Name the 1st man who issued regular order to collect write Ahadees ________...?

(i) Hazrat Umer Bin Khattab
(ii) Hazrat Usman Bin Affan

(iii) Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique
(iv) Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz

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Who was the founder of Nawaiwaqt news paper:...?

(i) Hameed Nizami
(ii) Majeed Nizami

(iii) Arif Nizami
(iv) None of these

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On which of the following issues, Arab Israel peace process stalled...?

(i) Shape and size of future Palestinian state
(ii) Status of East Jerusalem

(iii) Fate of 3.5 million Palestinian refugees
(iv) All of these

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A person who loves mankind is called ---...?

(i) Philanthropist
(ii) Physiotherapist

(iii) Both
(iv) None

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In SI unit of time Picosecond is equal to how many seconds:...?

(i) 10
(ii) 10-12

(iii) 10-18
(iv) None of these

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ابوجہل کا نام کیا ہے...?

(i) عمرو بن زبیر
(ii) عمرو بن سلمان

(iii) عمرو بن ہشام
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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A programme used to view World Wide Web (WWW) pages , such as Google, Yahoo and Internet Explorer, is called...?

(i) Browser
(ii) Messenger

(iii) Internet
(iv) None Of These

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Who at present holds the office of the Executive in the Afghan Government 2016...?

(i) Ashraf Ghani
(ii) Gulbuddin Hekmatyar

(iii) Abdullah Abdullah
(iv) None of these

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How many Rakus are in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 460
(ii) 490

(iii) 558
(iv) 570

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