After cold war, a new cold war or cold war II has arisen between:...? Mcqs

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After cold war, a new cold war or cold war II has arisen between:...?

(i) Russia & US
(ii) Russia & China

(iii) China & US
(iv) None of these

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The world's largest bird is...?

(i) Bustard
(ii) Ostrich

(iii) Penguin
(iv) Kiwi

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Which country were involved in 100 year war...?

(i) Turkey and Austria
(ii) England and France

(iii) Palestine and Israel
(iv) Germany and Russia

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What is the main issue between Pakistan and India...?

(i) Law and order issue
(ii) Water issue

(iii) Ladakh issue
(iv) Kashmir Issue

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An electronic spreadsheet consists of:...?

(i) Rows
(ii) Columns

(iii) Cells
(iv) All of these

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CATL stands for __________....?

(i) Chinese All in one Technology Co. Limited
(ii) Coercive Ambient Technology Co. Limited

(iii) Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited
(iv) Cyniong Alegrabi Technology Co. Limited

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_______ displays the content of active cell...?

(i) Row headings
(ii) Name box

(iii) Formula bar
(iv) None of these

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Which is regarded as the authentic book of Hadees...?

(i) Sahih Bukhari
(ii) Sahih Muslim

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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Gandhi-Jinnah talks were held in 1944 to discuss the C,R Formula, prepared by:...?

(i) Raja Gopal Acharia
(ii) V,P Menon

(iii) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(iv) Lord Wavall

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What is the meaning of the idiom “out of the blue”...?

(i) Higher than sky
(ii) Once upon a time

(iii) An unexpected way
(iv) Many times

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