Akbar's ruling period is as under:...? Mcqs

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Akbar's ruling period is as under:...?

(i) 1555-1605
(ii) 1556-1606

(iii) 1556-1605
(iv) None of these

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To make an uncharged object to have a negative charge we must...?

(i) Remove some portion
(ii) Add some atoms

(iii) Add some electrons
(iv) None of these

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Which Urdu poet was given 'Lenin Award' by the ex-USSR Government?...?

(i) Allama Iqbal
(ii) Habib Jalib

(iii) Faiz Ahmed Faz
(iv) Ahmed Faraz

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A bus with 32 data line can transport how many bits at a time:...?

(i) 8 bits
(ii) 16 bits

(iii) 32 bits
(iv) 1024 bits

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جنوبی اشیاء کے ممالک کی تنظیم کاکیا نام ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) نیٹو
(ii) او آئی سی

(iii) جی 8
(iv) سارک

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Mr Masood Khan is 2016 president of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. What was his last assignment before becoming the president...?

(i) Director Gen, Institution of Stretigic Studies
(ii) Foreign Secretary

(iii) Ambassador of Pakistan to China
(iv) Permanent representative of Pakistan to UN

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When did Musharraf take the oath of President of Pakistan...?

(i) Before the Agra Summit
(ii) Before the Kargil Conflict

(iii) Before the 2002 General Elections
(iv) None of these

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Synonym Cobreil?

(i) coranach
(ii) basket ash

(iii) corazon
(iv) decorative basket

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Who stood against Akbar Deen-i-llahi:...?

(i) Shah Wali Ullah
(ii) Sheikh Sirhindi

(iii) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(iv) Aurangzeb

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Which of the following Excel feature allows users to evaluate values and return a result?...?

(i) Formulas
(ii) Formatting

(iii) Filters
(iv) Insertions

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