All of the following are Amir Khusro,s creation except...? Mcqs

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All of the following are Amir Khusro,s creation except...?

(i) Tutinama
(ii) Laila Majnu

(iii) Nuh Sipir
(iv) Ahsika

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Synonym of “nomenclature” is _________...?

(i) terminology
(ii) pseudonym

(iii) claque
(iv) title

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The ration of ages of two students is 3:2, if one is 5 years old, then the age of younger student is...?

(i) 5 years
(ii) 10 years

(iii) 15 years
(iv) None of these

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What is Jobbery...?

(i) Robbery employee performed by previous
(ii) Looking for a job enthusiastically

(iii) Conduct of public business for private gain
(iv) Flattery of superiors

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Laws about inheritance were revealed in...?

(i) 3 Hijrah
(ii) 4 Hijrah

(iii) 5 Hijrah
(iv) 6 Hijrah

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Synonym of Hermetic is...?

(i) Airtight
(ii) Imitate

(iii) Unsettled
(iv) Open

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'Ahmad Shah Masud' of Afghanistan was a ...?

(i) Tajik
(ii) Uzbek

(iii) Pakhtun
(iv) Hazzara

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was...?

(i) 1944
(ii) 1949

(iii) 1958
(iv) 1961

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Deficiency of Vitamin C in human body lead to...?

(i) Eye disease
(ii) Nerve disease

(iii) Teeth disease
(iv) Skin disease

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Telepathy is Communication ...?

(i) sensory perceptions
(ii) between mind and heart

(iii) means other than sensory perceptions
(iv) None of these

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