Alzheimer's desease in human beings is characterized by he degeneration of...? Mcqs

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Alzheimer's desease in human beings is characterized by he degeneration of...?

(i) Kidney cells
(ii) Nerve cells

(iii) Liver Cells
(iv) Bone cells

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The procedure of shattering gallstone and kidney stones by shockwaves, is called...?

(i) MRI
(ii) Kidney Surgery

(iii) Angiography
(iv) Lithotripsy

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Snowcapped mountains are found on which of the following planet...?

(i) Earth
(ii) Venus

(iii) Pluto
(iv) None of these

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"Shadow Cabinet is" is a specialized group of critics form by the opposition party in the ...?

(i) National assembly
(ii) Senate

(iii) Lower House
(iv) Parliament

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The meaning of Put on is:...?

(i) Call
(ii) Wear

(iii) Escape
(iv) None of these

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East and West Germany re-united on _____________...?

(i) 3, Oct 1990
(ii) 4, Oct 1990

(iii) 5, Oct 1990
(iv) None of these

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Complete the number or series: 6, 3, 12, 6, 24,...?

(i) 12
(ii) 18

(iii) 30
(iv) 40

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Phases of the moon occur because:...?

(i) we can see only that part of the moon which reflects sunlight light towards us
(ii) our distance from the moon keeps changing

(iii) the shadow of the Earth covers only a part of the moon’s surface
(iv) None of these

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In computer science, Half byte is also - known as:...?

(i) Word
(ii) Four bits

(iii) Nibble
(iv) All of these

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Who is called as “Muslim Alexander”...?

(i) Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A)
(ii) Uqba bin Nafah (R.A)

(iii) Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)
(iv) Amr bin Al-Aas (R.A)

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