American President's special envoy to the middle East is...? Mcqs

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American President's special envoy to the middle East is...?

(i) Sherard Cowper coles
(ii) Richard Holbrooke

(iii) George Mitchell
(iv) Robert Gates

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What is the meaning of Blaze...?

(i) Wrath
(ii) Wrack

(iii) Fire
(iv) Inferno

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How many verses of Ayat-e-Tasbeeh are in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 200
(ii) 100

(iii) 110
(iv) 90

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What is the number of permanent members of UN Security Council...?

(i) 10
(ii) 5

(iii) 2
(iv) 20

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How can you break the current column and start a new column immediately in Ms Word...?

(i) Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter
(ii) Press Alt + Enter

(iii) Press Ctrl + Enter
(iv) Press Alt + Shift + Enter

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The largest producer of solar energy in the world is...?

(i) Germany
(ii) USA

(iii) Russia
(iv) China

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Antonym of “Kith” is:...?

(i) Stranger
(ii) Neighbour

(iii) Familiar
(iv) None of these

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Pakistan is not the Member of the following Organisation ...?

(i) UNO
(ii) SAARC

(iii) SCO
(iv) G-20

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سورہ الانفال میں کن دو گر ہوں کا ذکر ہے ؟...?

(i) عرب اور عجم
(ii) کفار اور منافقین

(iii) مسلمان اور یہود
(iv) ابو سفیان اور ابو جہل

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Who is credited for discovery of Planetry motion___...?

(i) Nicolaus Copernicus
(ii) Darwan

(iii) Kepler
(iv) None

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