An antibiotic is used to inhibit growth or destrcy _________...? Mcqs

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An antibiotic is used to inhibit growth or destrcy _________...?

(i) Bacteria
(ii) Viruses

(iii) Fungi
(iv) None of these

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Junk email is also called:...?

(i) Spam
(ii) Spoof

(iii) Spool
(iv) Sniffer script

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The NEWGRANGE monument is located in ___________...?

(i) Ireland
(ii) Netherlands

(iii) London
(iv) England

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Which of the following occasions, Muslims offfer 'Namaz e Kusuf'...?

(i) At the time of an eclipse of the moon
(ii) At the time of an Eclipse of the Sun

(iii) In the time of drought
(iv) For the Sake of rain

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Which of these keys are used in MS Excel to insert the current time in workbook?...?

(i) Ctrl + Shift +:
(ii) Ctrl+!

(iii) Ctrl+
(iv) None of these

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If Jack needs 2.5 pints of cream to make a dessert. How many pints will he need to make 3 desserts...?

(i) 7.5
(ii) 6

(iii) 5
(iv) 3

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A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs 815 in 3 years and to Rs 854 in 4 years The sum is:...?

(i) Rs 650
(ii) Rs 690

(iii) Rs 698
(iv) Rs 700

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King Qaboos Bin Said belongs to which country:...?

(i) Qatar
(ii) Iran

(iii) Oman
(iv) Kuwait

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How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem...?

(i) 112
(ii) 113

(iii) 114
(iv) 115

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Fill in the Blanks with the appropriate Word. He agreed _______ my proposal...?

(i) On
(ii) With

(iii) For
(iv) To

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