Analog computer works on the supply of...? Mcqs

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Analog computer works on the supply of...?

(i) Physical strength
(ii) Natural strength

(iii) Magnetic strength
(iv) Continuous electrical pulses

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The famous book; Al – Qanun was written by the Muslim scientist ...?

(i) Jabar bin Hayyan
(ii) Zakariya Al – Razi

(iii) Abu Ali Sina
(iv) Abdul Qasim Majreeti

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“How to Avoid Climate Disaster” is written by__________...?

(i) Elon Musk
(ii) Bill Gates

(iii) Deewey
(iv) Shahid Khan

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Stoke is to Cook then:...?

(i) Sun : Heat
(ii) Moon : Star

(iii) Planet : Galaxy
(iv) None of these

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The Smallest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________....?

(i) Antarctica
(ii) Australia

(iii) Africa
(iv) Europe

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What is name of 24th Para of Holy Qur’an...?

(i) Wa Mali
(ii) Faman Azlam

(iii) Elahe Yuruddo
(iv) Ha’a Meem

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How this incident come_______...?

(i) around
(ii) about

(iii) by
(iv) at

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The pillars of Islam in proper order are _____________....?

(i) Salat, Zakat, Soam, Hajj and Shahadatain
(ii) Shahadatain, Salat, Zakat, Soam and Hajj

(iii) Soam, Salat, Zakat, Hajj and Shahadetain
(iv) Shahadatain, Salat,, Hajj, Soam and Zakat

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Which Organisation has released the world development report 2023...?

(i) World Bank

(iii) UNO
(iv) SCO

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Which Pakistani climber got missing while trying to climb k2 along with 2 foreign climbers on 5 February 2021...?

(i) Muhammad Ali Sadpara
(ii) Muhammad Sajid Sadpara

(iii) Nazir Ahmad Satpara
(iv) None of these

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