Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam was founded in:...? Mcqs

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Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam was founded in:...?

(i) 1799
(ii) 1822

(iii) 1884
(iv) 1900

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Which of these features should one use when we want to type in the text box for notes?...?

(i) Insert
(ii) Slide shows

(iii) Zoom
(iv) Slide master

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Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by______________...?

(i) Abdul Malik
(ii) Walid bin Abdul Malik

(iii) Umar bin Abdul Aziz
(iv) None of the above

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He is knocking _____the door...?

(i) On
(ii) Of

(iii) Over
(iv) At

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Which of the following multinational companies is not Japanese...?

(i) Panasonic
(ii) Sony

(iii) Hitachi
(iv) LG Electronics

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The Indian Muslims observed ' Day of Deliverance' after the resignation of Congress ministries on...?

(i) 12 September 1939
(ii) 14 September 1939

(iii) 22 September 1939
(iv) 22 December 1939

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Which of the following amendments were proposed by Quaid e Azam in the Nehru Report 1928 , to make it acceptable to the Indian Muslims...?

(i) The Muslims should be given 1/3 Central
(ii) Muslims should be representation in Punjab

(iii) Residuary powers should be given Hindus
(iv) All Of Above

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Identify the last Ghazwa is which the Holy Prophet participated...?

(i) Tabuk
(ii) Hunain

(iii) Mutah
(iv) Hzab

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Which one of the wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) gained the title of "Umm-ul Masakeen"Mother of the poor...?

(i) Hazrat Khadijah RA
(ii) Hazrat Maimoona RA

(iii) Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaiymah RA
(iv) Hazrat Aaisha RA

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Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the members of UNO in ...?

(i) 1991
(ii) 1992

(iii) 1993
(iv) 1994

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