Antalya Airport is situated in:...? Mcqs

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Antalya Airport is situated in:...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Turkey

(iii) Italy
(iv) Egypt

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What was the religion of the majority of the Arabs before Islam...?

(i) Buddhism
(ii) Jewish

(iii) Idolatrous
(iv) Christianity

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Change voice: Who designed a car?...?

(i) By whom a car designed?
(ii) By whom a car had designed?

(iii) By whom a car was designed?
(iv) By whom a car was being designed?

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Faiz Ahmed Faiz is buried in...?

(i) Karachi
(ii) Lahore

(iii) Hyderabad
(iv) None of these

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States of Dir, Chitral and Swat Incorporated in NWFP in...?

(i) 1968
(ii) 1969

(iii) 1970
(iv) 1971

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Leo Tolstoy is writer of...?

(i) Othello
(ii) War and Peace

(iii) For whome the bell tolls
(iv) A tale of two Cities

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If P is the husband of Q and R is the mother of Q and S. what relation does R have P..?

(i) Mother
(ii) Sister

(iii) Sister in law
(iv) Mother - in - law

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which of the following does not have vertebral column and backbone...?

(i) Whale
(ii) Dolphin

(iii) Starfish
(iv) Sea horse

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During high temperatures in summers it is recommended to drink plenty of water to avoid:...?

(i) Dysentery
(ii) Food Poisoning

(iii) Dehydration
(iv) Hepatitis

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A common name for software errors is:...?

(i) Viruses
(ii) Trojans

(iii) Bugs
(iv) Logic Bombs

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