Antonym of Abate...? Mcqs

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Antonym of Abate...?

(i) Enhance
(ii) Foster

(iii) Augment
(iv) All of above

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A woman is married to more than one husband at a time it is called as...?

(i) Polygamy
(ii) Polyandry

(iii) Bigamy
(iv) None of these

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Hijaz Mountain are found in_____________...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Suadi Arab

(iii) Kuwait
(iv) Iraq

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Which key is used to align the text to center...?

(i) Ctrl+ B
(ii) Ctrl + C

(iii) Ctrl + D
(iv) Ctrl + E

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M.A.O college of Aligarh got the status of University...?

(i) 1917
(ii) 1918

(iii) 1919
(iv) 1920

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Who discovered the Law of Gravitation...?

(i) Sir Isaac Newton
(ii) Louis Pasture

(iii) Galileo
(iv) Wlliam Henry

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Who is the current Mayor of London...?

(i) Zac Goldsmith
(ii) Boris Johnson

(iii) Sadiq Khan
(iv) None of these

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Which event is called as the Day of Furqaan in the Quran...?

(i) Gazwa e Khyber
(ii) Gazwa e Badar

(iii) Conquest of Mecca
(iv) Gazwa e Uhud

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The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Hazrat Abdullah R.A ...?

(i) Zulbujadeen
(ii) Ameen-ul-Ummat

(iii) Khateeb-e-Rasoolullah (SAW)
(iv) Sheikh-ul-Islam

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Ahmad reads 24 pages of a book in 15 minutes. The rate of pages read per minute by him will be:...?

(i) 1.6
(ii) 2

(iii) 2.5
(iv) 3

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