Antonym of Haggard:...? Mcqs

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Antonym of Haggard:...?

(i) Healthy
(ii) Robust

(iii) Hearty
(iv) Plump

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Synonym of “quorum” is _________...?

(i) public meeting
(ii) all the participants

(iii) necessary number of members
(iv) document

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In Naml two bismillah occur (2nds one is at aayat no:_____________)...?

(i) 20
(ii) 25

(iii) 30
(iv) 35

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What is the synonym of Anxiety...?

(i) to be dipressed
(ii) Angry

(iii) worried
(iv) None of These

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Which among the following is a positively charged particle emitted by a radioactive element...?

(i) Beta rays
(ii) Alpha Rays

(iii) Gamma rays
(iv) Cathode rays

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Who is considered one of the great investors in the world:...?

(i) Bill Gates
(ii) Elon Musk

(iii) Warren Buffet
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following Gulf states has recently donated 320 MW gas fired power plant to Pakistan...?

(i) Saudi Arabia
(ii) Qatar

(iii) UAE
(iv) Bahrain

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__________ function calculates the largest value in a set of numbers...?

(i) Average
(ii) Count

(iii) Min
(iv) Max

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He says, “I shall go there”...?

(i) He says that he will go there
(ii) He said that I will go there

(iii) He says that I will went there
(iv) None of these

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Muslim must face in the direction of__________for Namaz...?

(i) Bait-ul-Maqadas
(ii) Madina

(iii) Khana-e-Kabah
(iv) East

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