Antonym of “labor” is ...? Mcqs

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Antonym of “labor” is ...?

(i) Amuse
(ii) Surrender

(iii) Rest
(iv) Strive

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Earth completes one rotation on its axis in...?

(i) 23 hours and 30 minutes
(ii) 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.9 seconds

(iii) 24 hours
(iv) 24 hours 1 minute and 10 seconds

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A hybrid computer uses a ______ to convert digital signals from a computer into analog signals....?

(i) Modem
(ii) Modulator

(iii) Demodulator
(iv) None of these

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Choose the meaning of Urdu word: اضطرار...?

(i) Restlessness
(ii) Forbearance

(iii) Anguish
(iv) All of a sudden

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How may provinces are in “Iran”_________...?

(i) 31
(ii) 32

(iii) 33
(iv) 34

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Fill in the blank: if she had worked hard, she ______ pass...?

(i) will have
(ii) have

(iii) have been
(iv) would have

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What does Eid-ul-Fitr mean...?

(i) Commemorating the prophet (SAW) birth
(ii) Making special prayer

(iii) Breaking fast
(iv) None of these

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The world’s second longest river is...?

(i) Neil
(ii) Amazon

(iii) Indus
(iv) Yangtze

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Which is the most populous continent...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Europe

(iii) Asia
(iv) None of these

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Days and night are equal all the year at ...?

(i) New York
(ii) Nairobi

(iii) Oslo
(iv) Brussels

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