Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there are _______ Hadith...? Mcqs

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Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there are _______ Hadith...?

(i) 40 Hadith
(ii) 50 Hadith

(iii) 20 Hadith
(iv) 30 Hadith

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The second Summit of OIC was held in which city...?

(i) Cairo
(ii) Lahore

(iii) Istanbul
(iv) Jakarta

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Faint Heart never won fair lady. WON is which part of speech...?

(i) verb
(ii) adverb

(iii) preposition
(iv) None of these

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_____is the set of instructions given to the computer to perform a specific task...?

(i) Monitor
(ii) Hardware

(iii) Software
(iv) Printer

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When Shah Wali Ullah was born in:...?

(i) 1703
(ii) 1705

(iii) 1707
(iv) None of these

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A type of malware often disguised as Legitimate software is...?

(i) Trojan horses
(ii) PDF

(iii) Chrome
(iv) Safari

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How many times order for Zakat came in Quran...?

(i) 20 times
(ii) 32 times

(iii) 40 times
(iv) 42 times

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Dublin is situated on bank of river...?

(i) Nile River
(ii) Rhine River

(iii) Liffey River
(iv) None of these

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James Chadwick is known for his discovery...?

(i) Proton
(ii) Neutron

(iii) Electron
(iv) None of these

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The "Statue of Liberty" was a gift to the united states on the occasion of its independence. which country gifted it...?

(i) Britain
(ii) France

(iii) Canada
(iv) Japan

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