Ariana is airlines of which country...? Mcqs

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Ariana is airlines of which country...?

(i) China
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Pakistan
(iv) Afghanistan

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Agriculture, the key sector in the Pakistan economy accounts for...?

(i) 21 % of G.D.P
(ii) 28 % of G.D.P

(iii) 25 % of G.D.P
(iv) 51 % of G.D.P

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Freetown is the capital of..?

(i) Sierra Leone
(ii) Senegal

(iii) Rwanda
(iv) Uganda

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Meteorology is study of _____...?

(i) Seasons
(ii) Atmosphere

(iii) Air and sounds
(iv) Winds and clouds

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The construction of Taj Mahal involved a workforce of over_________people....?

(i) 10,000
(ii) 20,000

(iii) 60,000
(iv) 80,000

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The store is open from 6 am till 7 pm. The underlined word is which part of speech...?

(i) Preposition
(ii) Adverb

(iii) Interjection
(iv) Noun

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What was the name of Allama Iqbal's first poem?...?

(i) ہمالیہ
(ii) Butler letter

(iii) Glory
(iv) Answer Suspect

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Who is Newly appointed General Secretary of UNO on 31st December 2016...?

(i) Antonio Guterreson
(ii) Ban-ki-moon

(iii) Peter Thomson
(iv) none of these

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Famous Golden Gate Bridge connects which two cities...?

(i) New York and Washington
(ii) San Francisco and Marin County

(iii) Los Angeles and Chicago
(iv) Boston and Las Vegas

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Synonym of BRISKLY is _____________...?

(i) LAZY

(iii) HASTY

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