Astronomy is the study of...? Mcqs

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Astronomy is the study of...?

(i) Stars
(ii) Moon

(iii) Planet
(iv) All of these

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When Bangladesh celebrates it’s Independence Day...?

(i) 20 April
(ii) 14 August

(iii) None of these
(iv) 26 March

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Complete the sentence:I felt as if__________...?

(i) He looked at me
(ii) He throw my pen

(iii) I were the center of the universe
(iv) I would have tainted

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Change of speech choose the correct option I said to him, "What is your plan"...?

(i) I asked him what was his next plan
(ii) I asked him that what was his next plan

(iii) I asked him about his next plan
(iv) I asked him what his next plan was

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Synonym of Absolve...?

(i) Exculpate
(ii) Exonerate

(iii) Both a&b
(iv) Execute

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what is the shortcut key to open a new MS Word document...?

(i) Ctrl + M
(ii) Ctrl + N

(iii) Ctrl + O
(iv) Ctrl + J

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World Trade Organization was established in __________...?

(i) 1980
(ii) 1985

(iii) 1990
(iv) 1995

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The name of the fifth Kalimah is:...?

(i) Kalimak Tauheed
(ii) Kalima Shahdat

(iii) Kalima Istighfar
(iv) Kalima Tamjeed

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Synonym of MEEK...?

(i) Tame
(ii) Stingy

(iii) Jab
(iv) Frail

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The first astronaut who landed on the moon....?

(i) Yuri Gagarin
(ii) Neil Armstrong

(iii) Neil Bohr
(iv) None of these

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