At the time of partition of Bengal who was the leader of Muslims in east Bengal...? Mcqs

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At the time of partition of Bengal who was the leader of Muslims in east Bengal...?

(i) Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk
(ii) Nawab Wiqar ul Mulk

(iii) Nawab Salim Ullah Khan
(iv) None of these

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China situated in which part of Asia...?

(i) Central Asia
(ii) West Asia

(iii) East Asia
(iv) Middle Asia

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Choose the best synonym: INSOLENT...?

(i) Disrespectful
(ii) Doubtful

(iii) Daring
(iv) Deny

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'INFAQ' is:...?

(i) Fighting with enemies of Islam
(ii) Travelling from Mecca

(iii) Delivering a speech against infidals
(iv) Spending wealth for the cause of Allah

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What is the capital of South Korea...?

(i) Seoul
(ii) Bhutan

(iii) Busan
(iv) Malaysia

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Antonym of DWARF is...?

(i) Giant
(ii) Tiny

(iii) Huge
(iv) Huge

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Which school attacked in Afghanistan in May 2021:...?

(i) Mirwais Nika High School
(ii) Sayed Al-Shuhada School

(iii) Faizal E Kandahari High School
(iv) Safia Ama Jan Girls High School

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The US longest bridge over water, Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, is in __________....?

(i) Louisiana
(ii) Maryland

(iii) New Jersey
(iv) Alabama

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The land lying between the river ravi and Chenab is called...?

(i) Rachna Doab
(ii) Chaj Doab

(iii) Bari Doab
(iv) None of these

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3 may each year is observed internationally as...?

(i) Environment Day
(ii) Population Day

(iii) Press Freedom Day
(iv) Food Day

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