At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal...? Mcqs

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At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal...?

(i) 10 degree
(ii) -10 degree

(iii) 40 degree
(iv) -40 degree

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If x, y are two positive real number and X power 1/3 = Y power 1/4 , then which of the following relations is true:...?

(i) XY
(ii) X³=Y

(iii) X=Y
(iv) None of these

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The store is open from 6 am _till 7 pm_. The underlined word is which part of speech...?

(i) Preposition
(ii) Adverb

(iii) Interjection
(iv) Noun

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When was the first Pakistani Postal Stamp issued?

(i) August 1948
(ii) July 1948

(iii) December 1947
(iv) February 1948

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Choose the antonym of: Urbanity...?

(i) Rustic
(ii) Crudeness

(iii) Cruelty
(iv) Laster

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Tarbela dam is located in:...?

(i) Wazirabad
(ii) Swabi

(iii) Mardan
(iv) Shangla

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What is the most abundant element in the universe...?

(i) Hydrogen
(ii) Oxygen

(iii) Sodium
(iv) Copper

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Who were Harut and Marut...?

(i) Prophets
(ii) Jins

(iii) Human Beings
(iv) Angels

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'The spirit of Islam' book was written by...?

(i) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(ii) Syed Ameer Ali

(iii) Maulana zafar ali
(iv) Arifa ishfaq

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If 30 men in 16 days, in how many days, will 36 men reap the field working 8 h per day...?

(i) 15
(ii) 25

(iii) 18
(iv) 10

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